pickling mushrooms



Initially developed to preserve fresh produce, many people choose to pickle mushrooms purely because they enjoy the resulting flavours. Pickling is not the same as canning, and it can be confusing as many people also can their pickles to make them last longer. Canning uses heat sterilization to preserve foods, while pickling uses acidity. Mushrooms, like cucumbers, aren’t acidic, so you need to add vinegar when pickling them.



The process for pickling mushrooms is slightly different from other vegetables and uses an oil-and-vinegar-based marinade instead of vinegar and brine.

Mushrooms that have a nice firm texture when cooked are great for pickling, and you can pickle small mushrooms whole. If you are pickling large mushrooms, slice them lengthways or cut them into chunks that fit into your jar.

Trim any bruised or damaged sections and clean off loose dirt and debris. Lightly sauté, boil or roast the mushrooms depending on the type of mushroom & personal taste. Make sure not to overcook them as you want them to be firm.


How to use pickled mushrooms

Dress a Bloody Mary or Martini, mix into a pasta salad or use your pickled mushrooms as side to a sandwich or in a relish tray. The possibilities are endless.

Combine equal parts of olive oil and vinegar of choice, around half a cup of each per pound (0.45 kg) of mushrooms. Then add other vegetables if desired and fresh or dried herbs. 

PER 500 G OF MUSHROOMS | 4-5 finely chopped cloves of garlic, 100 millilitre’s olive oil, rind of one lemon, 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice ( about 1 large lemon), 100 millilitre’s of red wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley, two tablespoons fresh chives, teaspoon sea salt, a generous grind of black pepper, a few sprigs of thyme & half a red chilli finely sliced or alternatively half a teaspoon of dried chilli flakes

There are numerous pickled mushroom recipes that combine different herbs and spices. Many countries have pickled mushroom specialties. Try a few to see which you prefer, or create your own pickled mushroom recipe using your favourite herbs and spices.

You may combine the marinade ingredients with the mushrooms, bring them to a boil together and then place them in a jar. Or, bring the marinade ingredients to a boil separately and pour them into the jar over the cooked mushrooms. 

Seal the jar and leave the mushrooms to marinate for at least three days before consuming them. Pickled mushrooms will last for up to a month in the fridge. But, if you also use heat sterilization, you can store your pickled mushrooms for a year or more in a cool dark place.

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